December 14 Blog Weather or Not, It's All Gonna Be Ok Dude Ranch, black mountain ranch, Black Mtn Ranch, sunsets, colorado dude ranch So pretty much all year 'round, I have to deal with the weather to get my job done. This is both a blessing and a curse as I truly do love to be outside, and have experienced most beautiful and tranquil that Mother Nature and the lower reaches of our atmosphere have to offer, but I can also say that I have experienced some of the worst that these two can throw at me, and everything in between. All those experiences, just in the name of getting the job done. For those of you that ...
November 16 Blog Welcome to our World black mountain ranch, horses, dude ranch vacation Well, here goes. This is my first crack at blogging. To many people in the world today, this is probably a pretty unimpressive task, but to me, it is a whole new experience. I am not gonna lie, the prospect of learning how to post blog on the computer is a little daunting to someone that is most accustomed to working with horses, chainsaws and guns. For the last week or so, anytime I have found a free moment I would often end up turning the wheels in my head wondering what I should be ...
November 15 Blog Take the Lead black mountain ranch, Training, winter, young horses [caption id="attachment_2427" align="alignnone" width="612"] Beluga, the yearling Thoroughbred filly posing for the camera.[/caption] Winter arrived on the farm this year the same time Beluga did. The forecast called for below zero temperatures and several inches of snow in the morning. The haulers were late, and for once the weatherman was right. First they had trouble loading the little black filly, and then again when we spent the next hour coaxing her out of the trailer. Beluga’s ...
July 4 Blog Happy Fourth of July! colorado dude ranch vacation, black mountain ranch, Black Mtn Ranch, horses, 4th of july We hope everyone has a wonderful day with family, friends, and loved ones. We wanted to share the beautiful photography of Larissa Allen of Black Horse Photography to honor and celebrate what today is all about! We all here at Black Mountain Colorado Dude Ranch wish you a very Happy 4th! We are planning for a great day at the Ranch! Nothing is better than time spent with friends and family (and horses, of course!). We will be sure to end the evening raising a cold beer to celebrate ...
June 13 Blog Meet Wrangler Helen black mountain ranch, roping lessons, Wranglers Meet Helen Lauth! This is her first year with us at Black Mountain Colorado Dude Ranch and we are so excited to have her on the team! Helen grew up with horses and has been riding since before she could walk. Born and raised in Minnesota, she is currently a senior at South Dakota State University. She rides on the NCAA Equestrian team, with her speciality being reining. She is one heck of a horse woman, and little would you know with her laid back personality, but she has 3 Top-Ten ...