We are absolutely thrilled with our 2012 Wrangler Family! They are the backbone of the ranch, here to make sure you have an amazing time throughout your Colorado Dude Ranch Vacation!
Five-year, seasoned veteran, Anna Simons is leading the team this year as Head Wrangler.

Anna started at Black Mountain Ranch in 2006. Born and raised in South Dakota, Anna comes from a large family (she has over 40 first cousins, just on her dad's side!) and brings her vivacious personality and huge heart.
Growing up around horses, she had her first ride at age 5 on a Shetland pony. She tells us it scared the heck out of her, but we're not sure if we believe her with the way she handles our string today! You will find her mingling with guests on the first night of the week asking questions about riding level and style, to match you with the perfect horse for your vacation.

Anna loves teaching our guests how to use a gun. As a member of the National Guard (she is a qualified "Expert" on the M-249 Machine Gun), you will find her down at the shooting range giving tips and showing a few tricks. If you have never shot a gun before, Anna is a great teacher and delights in seeing you hit your first clay.
Not only can she ride and shoot, she is one smart cowgirl. Having graduated college with a 3.9 GPA, she just finished Nursing School. She plans to enter the nursing world after this season, although we are sure she will be back to visit and show some of the younger wranglers the ropes.
We asked Anna a few questions about her experience at Black Mountain Ranch, and she was happy to share!
What is your favorite meal served at the Ranch? Chef Bob's Seared Ahi Tuna with Chili Lime sauce and his mouth watering Risotto.
Which horse is the best kept secret and why? Alf, one of the Wrangler horses. I love to ride him on cattle drive day because he is completely fearless. He would jump a canyon gap if you asked him to.
What are two things that people might not know about you? That I have an extra bone in both of my feet, and that I have 9 tattoos (because I keep them all hidden while I'm working).
At then end of a long day at Black Mountain Ranch, what is your favorite drink? An Old Fashioned Hot Totti, Jameson Whiskey, of course! ;)