We are excited to kick off the 2016 season tomorrow! We have had a flurry of activity to get the ranch in shape from the winter to welcome guests for this summer! The staff is assembled and we are ready to welcome you and your family!
From our family to yours, welcome! We are excited to see you.
Hello Everyone!
We wanted to sit down and thank everyone that has already booked their amazing vacation for this summer with us! We are set up to have our best year yet. Our staff is already preparing to make this summer special.
Choosing Colorado Dude Ranch vacations is a way to get back to nature and relax. With the world in hurry up mode 24 hours a day, time spent in the great outdoors will serve to take away stress and tension and provide the opportunity to extricate ...
With everything seemingly turning corporate or franchised, it is a comfort to know a family owned dude ranch offering the vacationing family a down home, old-fashioned good time.
The cyber world stays inside when you come to The Black Mountain Ranch, a dude ranch that has been family owned since 1903. Your souvenirs here are experiences out in the wilds and backcountry of the Colorado mountain country, and maybe a few fun items from our gift shop. But nothing can compare to the ...
So you’re planning your next vacation. The kids want to hit the rides, go swimming and eat as much junk as they can con you into. You, on the other hand, want to see the sights, but not from hundreds of feet in the air as you’re whirling around on a ride into which you have to be strapped. You, too, want to eat wonderful foods you don’t have to cook, sleep on a soft bed you don’t have to make and just relax. Well, have we got news for you! How about fresh mountain air, food cooked over a ...
So pretty much all year 'round, I have to deal with the weather to get my job done. This is both a blessing and a curse as I truly do love to be outside, and have experienced most beautiful and tranquil that Mother Nature and the lower reaches of our atmosphere have to offer, but I can also say that I have experienced some of the worst that these two can throw at me, and everything in between. All those experiences, just in the name of getting the job done.
For those of you that ...
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300"] The culprit.[/caption]
Whoa, readers! These last few days have been a whirlwind of packing, room dust, and more packing. Moving is hard! Enough complaining, though, because this week's subject is pretty important, at least to me.
EPM. Kind of run-of-the-mill, yeah? Gimme' a chance to explain how it's not.
Horses getting sick can be scary, because you may not know what's going on at first, or may not know what exactly is wrong. ...
How's it going, audience? Good? Good.
Me, I'm sitting here on my living room couch, procrastinating on packing my room up until the last minute, as usual. As I sat, I thought of something: hey, wouldn't my blog readers like to read about how to catch a difficult horse in the pasture?
I don't know, do you? Too late!
Right about now, y'all are probably going "Katie, you don't know anything about horses, do you? All you need is some grain!", but everybody knows I like to do ...
[caption id="attachment_2487" align="alignnone" width="640"] From the movie The Black Stallion.[/caption]
Earlier this week I had an afternoon to myself with nothing to do and I found myself bored in front of the T.V. flipping through the channels. There was absolutely nothing on, and I probably went through the whole list twice before a young boy on a beautiful black Arabian raced across the screen. It was Alec and his Black Stallion. Anyone who has ever grown up begging his or her ...