Meet Helen Lauth! This is her first year with us at Black Mountain Colorado Dude Ranch and we are so excited to have her on the team!
Helen grew up with horses and has been riding since before she could walk. Born and raised in Minnesota, she is currently a senior at South Dakota State University. She rides on the NCAA Equestrian team, with her speciality being reining. She is one heck of a horse woman, and little would you know with her laid back personality, but she has 3 Top-Ten World Championship titles in reining. She is truly passionate about horses, and we feel so lucky to have her with us this summer at the ranch! She brought her own horse along with her, Little Joe. He has taken quite well to the string and you will find her on her off days in the arena training.

Helen is an outdoor enthusiastic and her time at Black Mountain Ranch has allowed her to combine her two passions, the great outdoors and horses! If you are interested in doing any shooting or fishing while at the ranch, she is a great person to show you the ropes.

Helen was happy to share a few things about her time up at Black Mountain Ranch so far:
What is your favorite meal up at the Ranch?
Chef Bob's Steak!
While we are on the topic, drink of choice?
Jack and 7UP.
What are a few things that people might not know about you?
I love comic books, especially X-Men. (We are guessing her favorite was Rouge). ;) I put up a fight when I have to wear high heels and I have never traveled outside the United States.
Which horse is the best kept secret?
Chico, because he's an ornery old cuss, but he's one hell of a horse!
Check out her blog at

Helen and her horse, Little Joe.