Colorado Dude Ranch Vacations



Colorado Dude Ranch Blog




Dutch Henry Borne - Greatest Rustler of the Wild West

Lumberjack, buffalo hunter, freighter, Indian fighter, cavalry scout for General Custer; Henry Borne (or Bourne) finally found his true calling by becoming the greatest horse, mule and cattle thief in the wild west. German immigrant parents gave birth to Henry in Manitowoc, Wisconsin on July 2, 1849. He joined the Seventh Cavalry at an early age but quit late in the 1860s. Apparently, he developed a liking for Army mules during his time in the cavalry. Shortly after quitting, Dutch Henry ...

Soapy Smith of the Wild West: Crime Boss, Con Man and Colonel of Colorado

A bit of history for you this week. There are famous outlaws, lawmen and ranchers in the history of the Wild West, men who made their names with a gun and a quick draw. Jefferson Smith is probably the only one who made his name with a packet of soap and a clever line. Originally from Georgia, Smith moved to Denver, Colorado in the 1870’s and made money with the ‘prize soap racket’, a con that earned him his nickname ‘Soapy Smith’. Smith would set up a display case in the street, show ...

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Colorado Dude Ranch Vacations - Black Mountain Ranch

Registered and insured Colorado Outfitter #1343.
All or part of this operation is conducted on Public Lands under special permit from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service

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