How's it going, audience? Good? Good.
Me, I'm sitting here on my living room couch, procrastinating on packing my room up until the last minute, as usual. As I sat, I thought of something: hey, wouldn't my blog readers like to read about how to catch a difficult horse in the pasture?
I don't know, do you? Too late!
Right about now, y'all are probably going "Katie, you don't know anything about horses, do you? All you need is some grain!", but everybody knows I like to do ...
This week marks the start of finals for me, so kind thoughts and prayers would be much appreciated! I considered writing more about managing time and finding ways to ride, but I think this week's focus will be on something from my past, for some of you may have children who are involved in this organization, or may have been part of it yourself. As you can see from my title, I am speaking of Pony Club.
Now, my parents (read: my mother) encouraged my brother and me to be ...
My name is Hilary Tandy and I am a Junior Pre-med Neuroscience major at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. The road to Medical School is long and rough, but my frequent visits home to our farm in Magnolia, Texas to show my hunter and jumper makes the struggle more than worth it. Check out my blog for insight into how I manage to balance these responsibilities while maintaining my sanity, and I hope you also enjoy my anecdotes about growing up around horses and trying all sorts of ...
Oh no, it's that time again! Time for Katie to tell y'all some ridiculous fact, or rant about why you should, or shouldn't, do that whatever it is with your horse.
What I wanna' discuss this week is sacking out your horse. Maybe not so ridiculous after all?
Sacking out, in essence, is desensitizing a horse to stimulus; loud noises, cars, gunfire, and other things. It is imperative to the safety of you, your horse, and others around you, but best of all, it's really ...
Hey readers! Hope you're having a good week, filled with plenty of horsey goodness.
Today, I want to talk about why the terms "buddy sour" or "herd sour" are ridiculous words coined by the traditional equestrian world. If you're particularly attached to those phrases, now might be a good time not to be.
For those of you who aren't sure what herd sour means, it's just a term to describe a horse that's anxious and distracted when he's away from his pasture mates, and the term buddy ...