Some of you might have already seen a few of these photographs circling around the internet, but in case you didn't, we here at Black Mountain Ranch had to make sure that you did.
Yep, you haven't read incorrectly, that was in fact Shetland Ponies in Cardigans. In an effort to drum up some attention for VisitScotland, Fivla and Vitamin took center stage. They didn't seem to mind the attention, either.
Needless to say, you don't have to worry about us getting any fancy ...
Hey everyone! Merry Christmas, even if it is a day late! I'm really busy with last minute moving details, but I wanted to write a blog post anyway to see how everyone was doing. What did y'all get for Christmas? I got a few odds and ends, but the big thing I wanted was my father's custom-made Buffalo Saddlery saddle, which he gave to me! Now I just need to fork out the money to get a new saddle pad (American flag style, baby!), and find someone who can make me a matching breast ...
Hello everyone! I hope y'all are havin' a nice week, and if not, well, I hope it gets better!
We're going to continue on our medical discourse today, because I'm off on a tangent now, and there's nothing worse than Katie off on a tangent. What now, you ask? Equine infectious anemia. A little easier to pronounce than last week's disease, but we'll settle for EIA, because it's kind of difficult to type.
Equine infectious anemia can also be called swamp fever, or, the most ...
It’s already December 13th if you can believe it. 2012 is almost over, and Christmas is nearly here. How many of you have your shopping done already? Or have at least started? This year I did some planning in advance by making a list with what I’m getting each one of my family members and friends. (Normally I am the Queen of procrastination and last minute, and all my shopping is done a few days beforehand without knowing what I’m getting everyone… which gets a little hectic.) This year I’ll ...
Simon Lenihan, a full time commercial horse logger, removes a Scots Pine tree from the Balmoral Estate with Salome Du Pre Renier, a 4 year old Belgian Ardennes horse, on Dec. 11 in Balmoral, Scotland.
I'm the first to admit, I am a sucker when it comes to equine photography and these images were too beautiful and interesting for me to pass by.
As a little girl growing up, I had a handful of truly remarkable experiences being surround by beautiful horses. My father was ...
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300"] The culprit.[/caption]
Whoa, readers! These last few days have been a whirlwind of packing, room dust, and more packing. Moving is hard! Enough complaining, though, because this week's subject is pretty important, at least to me.
EPM. Kind of run-of-the-mill, yeah? Gimme' a chance to explain how it's not.
Horses getting sick can be scary, because you may not know what's going on at first, or may not know what exactly is wrong. ...
John French and Rumba
Alright friends, I hope you are nearly set on your preparations, decorations, and salutations for the holidays! My breaks begins tomorrow, and I honestly cannot wait to put this incredibly hard semester behind me.
This week will be a more practical lesson, considering my previous posts were more emotionally driven, so I'm trying this out. Feedback would be much appreciated if you would be so kind as to comment below.
A little less than a year ago I was ...
How's it going, audience? Good? Good.
Me, I'm sitting here on my living room couch, procrastinating on packing my room up until the last minute, as usual. As I sat, I thought of something: hey, wouldn't my blog readers like to read about how to catch a difficult horse in the pasture?
I don't know, do you? Too late!
Right about now, y'all are probably going "Katie, you don't know anything about horses, do you? All you need is some grain!", but everybody knows I like to do ...